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Freedom! Part 4 Righteousness is Now Your Boss, So Quit Listening to Sin! | Romans 6:15-23

Episode 61

In Romans 6:15-23, Paul is helping us further understand why no longer living in sin is the only real option for us. God's grace doesn't only free us from the penalty of sin; it also frees us from the power of sin! That means we can actually obey God now. And that is super good news, because sin is poison and leads to death but righteousness leads to life ... real, lasting, eternal life!

So once again, we need to examine how our life is arranged. Is it arranged so that sin has sway? Or is it arranged so that righteousness calls the shots? If the latter is the case, Paul says that will lead to "sanctification." Sanctification in this instance refers to the process of becoming holy. In other words, if we arrange our life to listen to God and remove things that give sin a voice in our life, then increasingly we will become holy like Jesus.

So how is your life arranged unto God?

  • Are you learning and listening to His word?

  • Do you use both planned prayer times and spontaneous prayer throughout the day?

  • Do you have fellow believers who have the freedom to speak truth into your life?

Practices such as those are means of presenting ourself to God, so that we can live our our new identity in Christ.

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