Prepare Them to Flourish
A Foundation for Parenting According to God's Wisdom

“Congratulations! You had a baby! Now what?”
I remember that feeling so well when we brought our firstborn home from the hospital. What now? I’m responsible for this little person. Oh God, how do I raise him for You?!
Can you relate?
Prepare Them to Flourish offers a framework for raising children according to God’s wisdom. It helps you:
Understand why one minute you can feel amazed by how precious your child is and the next he makes you want to pull your hair out
Grasp God’s goal for raising kids
Relate to your kids as the authority in the home the way your heavenly Father relates to you
See that correction is actually a small part of discipline
Prepare your kids to live according to God’s wisdom
There are no guaranteed formulas when raising kids but there are guiding principles. By the end of this short book, you will understand how to create an environment of wisdom and grace in your home that, by the grace of God, can prepare your child to flourish.
About the Author
John has been a Bible college professor and pastor for over 30 years. His partner in life and ministry is Louise. They have two grown children, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law and, as of right now, two grand daughters, whom they absolutely adore.
To learn more about John read his BIO.