One Mission.
Make Disciples.
Discipleship Coaching
Create a discipleship culture in your church. No more guesswork. No more trying to figure it out alone.
Coaching helps you go further faster
so you can get where you want to go

As a pastor, have you ever felt like this?
You work hard to put on good Sunday services and hope people come
You're laboring to get people involved in small groups
You wonder why you try special classes for people to attend when so few show up
You feel frustrated at how hard it is to get people to give and serve
You're busy with meetings and phone calls and sermon prep and managing volunteers and all the activity of running a church
... and you wonder if you're really making disciples or not!
Lots of activity to make the church go and not a whole lot of clarity on making disciples.

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
-Matthew 28:19-20
I’ve spent 30 years gaining clarity on making disciples.
As your coach, we’ll work through the principles, values, and strategies to put in place a clear discipleship pathway
in your church.

What’s Included in Discipleship Coaching?
Monthly live video trainings
Actionable guidance creating a discipleship process and pathway
One on one coaching to think through implementation for your church
Continual availability via email or phone for questions and troubleshooting
A full subscription to my online discipleship/spiritual growth courses for the entire church (60+ video lessons) so you can help your people grow in their faith.
I'll also include an implementation plan for these courses so you can maximize their discipleship potential!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a course that we watch and apply?
No. It's a year-long coaching partnership. It’s personal, customized training and implementation. There are some principles that everyone needs to know and we will explore those together over live video calls with other pastors and church leaders. But then there will be one-on-one discussion thinking through the implementation of those principles in your specific church context. This is customized, one-on-one coaching.
Why a year … that seems like a long time?
The reason for a year is because culture creation works best slowly over time. It takes time to absorb new ways of seeing and valuing and acting. That’s why discipleship programs rarely work - they start fast but don’t change the culture. As leadership expert Peter Drucker is famed for saying, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast every day of the week.” Our goal is to create a discipleship culture and that takes time.